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How Can I Help?

I will be the first to admit that I did not volunteer much for community programs, events, or projects outside of my sons' extracurricular activities or my school events. My excuse was that I was too busy and that others took care of things. They did not need me.

Now that I have so much time on my hands, I have been using the excuse that I cannot help physically or be onsite to assist. They do not need me.

Through my Writings by Kim endeavors, I have been blessed to "meet" many people who are committed to providing valuable services. They do not do the work to receive praise, money, or status. They do it because they have a passion for helping others and for improving the community they are a part of. These people do not let age, money, physical limitations, and professional obligations be their excuse.

So why am I letting excuses get in my way of volunteering?

Over the last few months, I have been asking myself that question, and I have come to realize that I do have skills that might help with community programs and events. Physically, I cannot do anything; however, I can use my brain to create flyers, social media ads, publications, websites, etc. I just have to get over my own fear of putting myself out there and being thought of as a charity case who people will tolerate because of my disability.

So the question now is "How can I help?"

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